Apex Heriot IPA
Apex Brewing Company
Extra pale ale malt, tysk vetemalt och havreflingor utgör basen i denna humliga och grumliga IPA från Apex. Strata har fått agera huvudhumle som backas upp av både Citra och Mosaic vilket ger ett fruktigt resultat med toner av jordgubb, melon, passionsfrukt och snygg grapefruktbeska.
“Introducing: Heriot IPA. For this hazy IPA’s foundation we reached for our trustworthy grist bill of extra pale ale malt, german wheat malt and some flaked oats. Simple ingredients - precise execution. But now to the exciting part: dry hopping. We let Strata hops from @crosbyhops take the centre stage. Prepare for a voyage beyond the ordinary. Both T90 pellets and the new CryoGenic lupulin pellets, CGX, were used in abundance. Notes of strawberry, grapefruit, melon and passion fruit.
Cheers!” – Apex Brewing Co
Malts: Extra pale ale malt, wheat malt & flaked oats
Hops: Mosaic T90, Citra T90, Strata T90 & Strata CGX
Yeast: AEB Fermoale New-E
Apex Brewing Company